Sunday, July 1, 2018

Research delivers insight into the public liability insurance market forecast to 2025

 How indispensable is user interaction in mobile app development? An interface is one of the most important aspects when it comes about mobile app development. If the interaction through interface has hurdles, ultimately the performance of that mobile app decreases.

The Ninehertz, being one of the best mobile app development companies in India, offers a one-stop solution with great UI design services. Since technology is changing every day, it is very essential to follow all the latest trends in the market.

One must understand the importance of updating the knowledge for achieving excellent mobile apps developed. (You don’t want to lose your potential prospects!)

The number of mobile app users is increasing every day.

According to Statista, 197 billion apps were downloaded in the year 2017. Now that’s a big number! It is assumed that this number will show the great increase in the year 2018.

According to a survey, 88% of the users do not re-visit the website or the mobile app if they have a poor user experience.

App development companies are trying their level best to offer outstanding mobile apps along with amazing UI design services. There are some trends in UI designing for mobile apps that are getting more stronger than before and some trends are making an entry in the market.

Following are the top UI design trends for mobile apps in the year 2018:

The magic of Overlapping effect: It is the motto of stunning UI to make the design eye-catchy for users. Overlapping of font, graphics, shadows of logos and colors is getting into the trend this year.
Color gradients: Gradients are the new colors! Gradients form visual interest and guide users to move viewers through a design. Color gradients is a highly engaging design tool and can fascinate users easily. An intentional and contrast color choice can be helpful to highlight text.
A simple design with powerful content and a contrast-colored background forces reader to concentrate on the text. This is applied especially when an offer has to be announced. For instance 50% off. Everything in User Interaction is a science! According to experts, users tend to see the brightest colors first and then gradually move their eye to the dark shades.

Hence, playing with color gradients, one must understand that introductory part or logos should be placed on the bright and light background and CTAs should be placed on dark backgrounds. Vivid burning colors can create the great difference.

More focus on readability: Have you ever experienced the poor performance of apps in spite of great content or message? It is because of poor readability. Every mobile app has some text to be read by the users. It is important for a designer to understand that text should be readable.
Not just readable but also appealing. Design plays an important role in readability. If the text font color and background color are both light or dark at the same time and there is no contrast, the readability decreases. The trend is to focus more on the same. If the readability is increased, ultimately the performance of that mobile app improves.

Animation Animation Animation: The animation is going to rule the mobile app world. To make the design more interactive and improve user experience, designers are using animation effects for fonts, images, buttons and other graphics. One type of animation is function change. It simply changes the element when a user interacts with it.
Another type of animation is an orientation in space which simplifies navigation. One more type of animation is fun animation. As the name suggests, this type of animation is fun to create and is very appealing. It gives a cool funky look to the design.

Custom Illustration: Nowadays, designers do not want to use stock illustration since there is no uniqueness and no sign of individuality. Custom illustration's popularity is increasing. Hand drawing style, paper cut style, and painting style are being used more and more by designers. These custom illustrations help you communicate your brand messages in an easy way.
Videos: As per a report generated by HubSpot, 55% of users view online video every day. This indicates the priority of users related to text and videos. Video-based User Interface is making its own space rapidly. It is soon going to dominate the user interface of mobile app design. Users find watching videos interesting and exciting.

These are the trends all app development companies tend to apply. Companies that offer UI design services have a motto of providing apps that are highly user interactive, with great readability and happy users.

If users are not finding anything interesting, there are chances of no retention.

Offering great service through the app is not enough. Competition is increasing every day.

There are many companies that offer the same service. What influences their sales is greatly designed and developed mobile apps.

Almost every service user tends to the download app and carries on the work through apps. If the app is confusing, has ambiguities, poor color combination and plain design (no fun), then there are lots of chances of user uninstalling the app and quitting the service.

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