Showing posts with label homeowners insurance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homeowners insurance. Show all posts

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Comcast, Hippo introduce pilot program for smart home insurance in Houston

Comcast announced the introduction of a new, smart home insurance offering in collaboration with Hippo, a smart home insurance provider based in Mountain View, Calif.

Comcast announced the introduction of a new, smart home insurance offering in collaboration with Hippo, a smart home insurance provider based in Mountain View, Calif.

Photo: Joy Asico, FRE / Associated Press
Comcast, Hippo introduce pilot program for smart home insurance in Houston

Worried Hawaii homeowners ask: Am I covered for lava damage?

 Hawaii homeowners such as Patricia Deter are on an urgent quest for answers about insurance in the wake of the Kilauea volcano eruption. Does it cover volcano and lava damage?

Deter moved from Oregon to Hawaii to be closer to her two daughters, but the Kilauea volcano burned down her home only a month after she bought it. Deter and her family, along others who have recently lost homes to the lava-spewing mountain, are desperate to learn whether their coverage will offer any help after molten rock wiped out most of what they owned.